Tuesday 11 December 2018

2018 Highlights


Next year I will be going to intermediate I am going to be going to campion college. Here are two academic highs, to highs, and a goal for next year.

Two academic highs for me this year are math and reading. I chose math and reading because I find math really fun and it feels nice when I finish a question that I have been working really hard on. Also, I think that I have become more confident in it. I chose reading because I have read some really good books this year and the reading tasks that we do in class make make me understand the book more, and I usually learn something new. Two highs for me this year would have to be P.E and art. I chose P.E because I find P.E really fun and I got to play some new games that I really enjoy such as coney island and corner ball. I chose art because I think that we have done some cool art this year and I really enjoy art. A goal for me next year is being more organised by having what I need when I need it. Another goal is believing in myself a lot more.

Thursday 8 November 2018


This week we had athletics. We did high jump (optional), long jump , sprints, ball throw. I had a lot of fun doing the rotations. My favorite one was long jump. Here is a picture of sprints.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Unexpected Visitor

Today we had a unexpected visitor and it was Meng Foon the mayor of Gisborne. He came in because he didn't know that we had cancelled our open day at the Hamunatua stream. We told him about what we had been doing in our groups. My group told him why we had planted harakeke under the bridge. We planted harakeke because if any one fell of their bike they wouldn't fall in the river instead they would fall on the flax bush. This is a photo of my class with Meng Foon.

Thursday 6 September 2018

My Speech

For the last 2 weeks in room 1 we have been writing our speeches. This week we have been sharing them. I was really nervous to share mine. After the whole class shares their speeches some of us go to the semi finals and then the finals. Here is my speech topic.

Thursday 26 July 2018

Holiday Slow Write

     After the holiday room 1 wrote a slow write about what they did in the holiday. First we shared the main thing that we did with a buddy. Next we did a draft and then we published it onto our blogs.
Here is mine, I hope you enjoy

Mahia Fun
       "Woohoo!" I feel happy that we're finally here.
I could taste the salty air as I walked down a path that leads to the beach.
I could hear waves crashing. Quickly I ran towards the water.
“Whats for lunch?”my sister asked. Although it was a little windy, I was still having fun.
The shiny, glimmering, blue sea looked beautiful. Why is it that we have to leave so soon?
I had such a fun time “Yay!!!”

Password Safety

Last week in room 1 we were learning about safe and strong passwords and how to keep people from hacking into our account.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Recipe for Niamh Cake

This week in room 1 we have been reflecting on our learner profile and have been using procedural texts. I have written a Me recipe about me as a learner.

Recipe for Niamh cake
To write a recipe for Niamh cake based on what type of learner I am.

  • 6 cups of self confidence
  • 7 cups of hard work
  • 4 cups of happiness
  • 5 cups of Interest
  • 7 cups of perseverance
  • 8 cups of creativity

  • A big bowl
  • A wooden spoon
  • A mixer
  • A plate
  • Cake tin 
  • small bowl

  1. First Preheat your oven to 180°
  2. Then Pour happiness and interest into the bowl and mix them together
  3. Next pour the hard work in the bowl then mix 
  4. Put the happiness, interest, and hard work into a cake tin and put them in the oven for 19 minutes
  5. Put self confidence, perseverance, and creativity in a small bowl and use the the mixer to mix them together
  6. After 19 minutes take the happiness, interest, and hard work out of the oven
  7. Take the confidence, perseverance, and creativity and spread it over the happiness, interest, and hard work
  8. Put the cake on a plate and serve it with a pinch laughter

About Me

Last week in room 1 we made a poster. The website we used is called face.co and we got to tell people about us. Here is mine.

3 Stars and a Wish

This week in room one we have been working on 3 stars and a wish. The 3 stars are things that we have achieved and the wish is something that we want to get better at.

Monday 14 May 2018

With Good Friends We Have Hope

Learning Intention: I am sharing my thoughts about bullying at school
I choose this quote because I think it's a good example of bullying and because you should ignore the bullies.
Bullying Quotes: Ignore Those Who Talk Behind Your Back                          

The paper chain around the wall is were all of our class put ideas on what would you do if someone was being bullied and what could you do to stop bullying. on the what would you do if someone was being bullied piece of the chain I put if someone was being bullied I would tell the bullie to stop and if the dont I would tell a teacher or a trusted adult.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Reading wheels

This week in room 1 we made reading wheels They are based on a book we have read. The first illustrashion is based on the main character. The second one is based on the setting and the third one is based on your favorite part. The first text is about a character. The second is about the plot and the third is about your favorite part. my reading log is about a rainbow magic fairy. Alexandra The Royal Baby Fairy by daisy meadows.

Friday 23 March 2018


LI: I am sharing some of my ideas, feelings and thoughts on my blog about the

     Duathlon  today!

Success Criteria:
  • It makes sense when I read it
  • I have used capital letters and full stops correctly
  • I have had my blogging buddy check my blog before I publish it

  • I felt nervous
  • I had a stitch
  • I was puffed
  • I was really sweaty
  • I felt like I was going to faint
  • I was exhausted
  • I felt happy that I did it

A quick reference about the duathlon

The year 6 girls are next. We line up. On your marks, get set, BANG! We were off. we ran are three laps round the field.  We ran up to are bikes. exhaustedly, I biked around the reserve. After biking two times around the reserve I ran my last two laps around the field. Yes I did it.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

drawing learning

Here is my learning about google drawings. I found this learning fun and interesting because I learnt new things. I learnt how to duplicate using ctrl D.

Monday 19 February 2018

Being Safe And Secure Online

Here I will be teaching you how to be safe and secure online, we made posters, and then Ms Ducky came and taught us how to embed our posters!

Friday 9 February 2018

Welcome to my blog

Hi my name is Niamh I am a year 6 at Wainui Beach School in Gisborne, New Zealand. This is my first ever blog. I will be sharing my learning throughout 2018. Please leave me some feedback.