Thursday 26 July 2018

Holiday Slow Write

     After the holiday room 1 wrote a slow write about what they did in the holiday. First we shared the main thing that we did with a buddy. Next we did a draft and then we published it onto our blogs.
Here is mine, I hope you enjoy

Mahia Fun
       "Woohoo!" I feel happy that we're finally here.
I could taste the salty air as I walked down a path that leads to the beach.
I could hear waves crashing. Quickly I ran towards the water.
“Whats for lunch?”my sister asked. Although it was a little windy, I was still having fun.
The shiny, glimmering, blue sea looked beautiful. Why is it that we have to leave so soon?
I had such a fun time “Yay!!!”

Password Safety

Last week in room 1 we were learning about safe and strong passwords and how to keep people from hacking into our account.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Recipe for Niamh Cake

This week in room 1 we have been reflecting on our learner profile and have been using procedural texts. I have written a Me recipe about me as a learner.

Recipe for Niamh cake
To write a recipe for Niamh cake based on what type of learner I am.

  • 6 cups of self confidence
  • 7 cups of hard work
  • 4 cups of happiness
  • 5 cups of Interest
  • 7 cups of perseverance
  • 8 cups of creativity

  • A big bowl
  • A wooden spoon
  • A mixer
  • A plate
  • Cake tin 
  • small bowl

  1. First Preheat your oven to 180°
  2. Then Pour happiness and interest into the bowl and mix them together
  3. Next pour the hard work in the bowl then mix 
  4. Put the happiness, interest, and hard work into a cake tin and put them in the oven for 19 minutes
  5. Put self confidence, perseverance, and creativity in a small bowl and use the the mixer to mix them together
  6. After 19 minutes take the happiness, interest, and hard work out of the oven
  7. Take the confidence, perseverance, and creativity and spread it over the happiness, interest, and hard work
  8. Put the cake on a plate and serve it with a pinch laughter

About Me

Last week in room 1 we made a poster. The website we used is called and we got to tell people about us. Here is mine.

3 Stars and a Wish

This week in room one we have been working on 3 stars and a wish. The 3 stars are things that we have achieved and the wish is something that we want to get better at.