Wednesday 21 August 2019

St Paul

St Paul

In Te Whare Hauora we had to write about one of St Paul's acts. I decided to do one about when he didn't like people who followed jesus and what happened because of that. Here is my story.

Saul was a man who didn't like people who followed Jesus.
 Saul would put Jesus' followers in jail or even kill them.
 One day Saul and his followers were on
their way to Damascus to put some catholics in jail.
while they were walking a sudden light shone upon him.

A voice started talking to Saul. It said Saul, Saul why are you Hurting me.
 who are you Saul replied. I am whom you are hurting, Jesus.
 Go into the city and you will be told what to do Said Jesus.
Saul go up to go to the city but he couldn't see, he had been blinded

Sauls followers had to lead him into Damascus. Saul was blinded for three days.
Then Ananias, A disciple of Jesus was told by Jesus to lay his hands on saul
but Ananias was scared because he had heard of the thing that Saul had done,
 But Ananias obeyed Jesus and lay his hands on Saul. At that moment something like scales fell from Saul's eyes and he could see again. After that day Saul changed his name to Paul and devoted his life to studying and telling people about Jesus.


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  2. Hi there, my name is levi and I am a student in room lh6 at gisborne intermediate School. I really like your post It made me think of your creative writing skills. Have you thought about adding more pictures/drawings.

  3. Hi there, my name is jakob and I am a student in room LH6 at gisborne intermediate School. I really like your post It made me think of how good your drawing is. Have you thought about adding more drawings.

  4. konichiwa, my name is Tom and I am a student in LH6 at gisborne intermediate School. I really like your descriptive drawings. It made me think of doing some myself. Have you thought about adding color. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is


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